orang pemarah bahasa Inggris
- orang: folk; guy; man; men; person; the people of;
- pemarah: bully; spit-fire; spitfire; bad-tempered; fiery;
- pemarah: bully; spit-fire; spitfire; bad-tempered; fiery; grumpy; peevish; peppery; surly; tartar; crabbiness; quick-tempered; crabbedness; frowning; cacafuego; hotheaded; curmudgeon; crossness; short-temper
- bersifat pemarah: ill tempered
- secara pemarah: peevishly
- sifat pemarah: peevishness; temper
- orang: folk; guy; man; men; person; the people of; people; chap; fellow; human; pushover; soul; thing; represent; sheik; geezer; feller; common people; organism; embody; somebody; finn; tribe; human being;
- orang-orang: ones; people; peoples; the men; the people; scarecrow
- daftar orang-orang terhormat: roll of honour
- daftar orang-orang terkemuka: social register
- kedatangan orang-orang hongaria: arrival of the hungarians
- kedatangan orang-orang majus: adoration of the magi
- ketekunan orang-orang kudus: perseverance of the saints
- latihan orang-orang bawahan: rang and file training
- orang benci kepada orang: misanthrope; misanthropist
- She gripes a lot, but he's a pretty even-keeled guy.
Istrinya sering mengelih, tapi suaminya orang yang cukup sabar. Bukan orang pemarah? - Angry people are frequently late.
Orang pemarah biasanya terlambat. - You know, a flaming person.
kau tahu, orang pemarah. - My wife calls me cranky.
Istriku menyebutku orang pemarah. - So... do you think that two hotheads, a hypocrite and a loser, can be good priests?
Jadi... Apa menurutmu 2 orang pemarah, hipokrit dan pecundang... Bisa menjadi pastor yang baik? - You write your snide bullshit from a dark room because that's what the angry do nowadays. I was nice to you.
Kamu benar, menulis di kamar yang gelap, karena di tempat itu orang pemarah liburan akhir-akhir ini.